Private Practices

Private practice resources

UPDATED | 3 Min Read

AMA creates tools and resources so physicians can focus on their patients and keep their practices open. Resources on topics ranging from workflow and payment to telemedicine and team-based care, among others, are available to help physicians run their private practices successfully in the current health care climate.

Understand the ins and outs of what makes a private practice with these resources. 

Keep your practice running

The AMA is fighting to keep private practice a viable option for physicians. We're working to remove unnecessary burdens so physicians can reclaim the time they need to focus on patients. 

Use these resources to get a running start operating in the private practice model. 

As your practice grows, use these resources to sustain your success.  

Thriving in private practice

Get tips and resources to help your private practice thrive.

Private practice subscription icon

While private practice has many benefits, it is not without challenges, and these resources will support your journey through them. 

Learn how to get started in private practice and how the AMA can help.