Nation’s Overdose Epidemic
Ending the nation’s drug overdose epidemic will require increased physician leadership, a greater emphasis on overdose prevention and treatment, and better coordination and amplification of the efforts and best practices already occurring across the country.
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Membership Moves Medicine™
Essential Medicare & Medicaid Tools & Resources
End the overdose epidemic
Physicians’ progress toward ending the nation’s drug overdose and death epidemic
How to Administer Naloxone 1
Co-prescribing naloxone 1
End the epidemic
AMA membership means you’re actively fighting to end the opioid crisis. Help us build a strong, nationwide program of comprehensive pain care to help reverse this epidemic.
Opioid and pain treatment CME
Address opioid and pain treatment with evidence-based training from Providers Clinical Support System-Medications for Opioid Use Disorders (PCSS-MOUD).
FREIDA™, the AMA Residency and Fellowship Database®
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