Private Practice Physicians

Private Practice Physicians Section (PPPS) policymaking


Members of the Private Practice Physicians Section (PPPS) have a unique opportunity to shape AMA policy and action on critical private practice issues.

New to the policymaking process? Access the education module, How AMA Policy is Made, to learn how PPPS members influence the AMA’s policymaking efforts.

PPPS members may submit resolutions for consideration at biannual meetings of the PPPS Assembly (June and November). PPPS resolutions adopted by the House of Delegates become AMA policy.

Please submit resolutions by April 30, 2023, to Jason Ranville at [email protected] for consideration at the June meeting.

Consider these guidelines when writing a resolution:

Need assistance with developing your resolution? Submit your resolution to the Resolution Writing Committee for assistance with developing your resolution. Resolutions should be forwarded to [email protected] by April 10, 2023, for review prior to the June 2023 meeting.

PPPS members are invited to comment on policy proposals in advance of each PPPS business meeting via the online member forum. Authors are encouraged to comment on their own resolutions if they believe doing so is informative to other reviewers.