Organized Medical Staff

About the Organized Medical Staff Section (OMSS)

UPDATED | 2 Min Read

The Organized Medical Staff Section is the only physician-led, national group that advocates for medical staff organizations and their members. The OMSS empowers physicians affiliated with medical staffs, whether employed or in private practice, to improve patient outcomes and physician experience, and to otherwise effect positive change in their practice environments.

Membership in the Organized Medical Staff Section is open to AMA members selected by their hospital or health system medical staffs to represent the interests and concerns of their medical staff peers at biannual OMSS meetings and to serve as liaisons between the OMSS and local medical staffs.

The AMA's Employed Physician Caucus provides a forum to address the needs of employed physicians and patients. In 2022, the AMA Board of Trustees recommended the establishment of the AMA Employed Physician Caucus under the AMA Organized Medical Staff Section (OMSS).

An employed physician is defined as any physician who derives compensation, financial or otherwise, from a contractual relationship with a practice, hospital or other funding entity and has no direct controlling interest in the entity.

The Employed Physician Caucus advices and provides counsel to the OMSS and to AMA staff on policy matters that bear directly on employed physicians and patients. The caucus focuses on matters including, but not limited to, employed physicians and develops strategies, programs and policies to better serve AMA members, potential members and patients.

Read an interview with Nancy Fan, MD, the caucus’ inaugural chair about the pros and cons of the employment setting and what the future holds for the caucus.


General inquiries: [email protected]

Lisa Austin, Director

(312) 464-5346, [email protected]

Jason Ranville, Senior Policy Analyst 

(312) 464-2537, [email protected]