HOD Organization

HOD speakers' info, reference committee service and reports for member input


The HOD speakers encourage delegates and alternate delegates to use this page to access important House information that the speakers will make available throughout the year.

As a member, you can review HOD reports under development, volunteer for a reference committee, and more.

Review the list of pending reports from the Board and the councils, and submit comments/feedback to [email protected].

  • Board of Trustees
  • Council on Constitution & Bylaws (CCB)
  • Council on Ethical & Judicial Affairs (CEJA)
  • Council on Long Range Planning & Development (CLRPD)
  • Council on Medical Education (CME)
  • Council on Medical Service (CMS)
  • Council on Science & Public Health (CSAPH)

AMA will soon begin its search for the next CEO and executive vice president of the American Medical Association to replace James L. Madara, MD, who recently announced his plans to retire from the position. Interested AMA-HOD delegates-only may apply to be a part of the search committee to fill this position. We anticipate that this will require a significant time commitment; however, we are unable to give specifics at this time. Deadline to apply for the search committee is Aug. 12, 2024, 5 p.m. Central.

Election Committee

Volunteers are also being sought to serve on the Election Committee (EC). The EC is appointed following each meeting at which an election is held and members are eligible for reappointment annually up to four terms sequentially and up to eight years in total. Terms begin immediately upon appointment by the speaker. You must also agree not to be directly involved in a campaign during your tenure. The deadline has been extended to July 31 with the anticipated appointments effective Sept. 1.

The primary role of the EC is to work with the speakers to adjudicate any election complaints. Additional roles are determined by the speaker and may include monitoring election reforms; responding to requests from the speaker for input on election issues as they arise; reviewing the campaign complaint reporting, validation and resolution process; and making recommendations to the House regarding campaign/election issues.

Volunteer for other committees

To volunteer as a member of a reference committee (other than F), the Rules & Credentials Committee, and tellers for the November HOD meeting, please complete and submit a new online form no later than Friday, Sept. 6, 2024.

For additional questions or more information, please contact the Speakers at [email protected].