Evidence-based resources
Evidence-based resources
The AMA creates resources that set the record straight for policymakers. We are one of the only national organizations that has created hundreds of advocacy tools for medicine to utilize when fighting scope expansion.
Health Workforce Mapper
Even in the states where certain practitioners practice independently, the AMA research shows that nonphysicians have not changed their practice location; have not alleviated the shortage problems in rural areas.
The AMA Health Workforce Mapper is a customizable, interactive tool that illustrates the geographic distribution of the health care workforce. These maps show that the promises made of “solving access problems,” made by nonphysician provider advocates, fall flat.
Issue briefs
Draw on issue briefs and other resources for background on major topics related to scope of practice. A few examples include:
Model legislation
Those looking to strengthen scope of practice laws in their state can use the following AMA model bills and legislative templates as a starting point in the law-making process. A few examples include:
State law charts
Scope of practice laws vary from state to state. Learn about state medical liability laws in your state and across the country. A few examples include:
Geographic Mapping Initiative
Fighting for Physicians
Get updates on how the AMA is fighting for physicians on critical issues—delivered to your inbox.
Maps in the AMA Geographic Mapping Initiative (geomaps) compare where physicians practice versus where non-physicians practice in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The AMA created over 4,500 geomaps to demonstrate that expanding scope does not equal expanding access to care. These are available upon request.
Scope of Practice Data Series Modules
The Scope of Practice Data Series Modules (modules) can help advocates educate legislators, regulatory bodies and other policymakers about the education and training of certain health care professionals, as well as about the qualifications that physicians must attain to accept the responsibility for full, unrestricted licensure to practice medicine.
Use the modules to challenge the advocacy campaigns of nonphysician health care professionals who seek unwarranted scope of practice expansions that may endanger the health and safety of patients.
These modules are available upon request.
Truth in Advertising
The AMA's Truth in Advertising campaign has been enacted in over 20 states, informing the public about who is and is not a physician.
Advocate with the AMA
Advocate with the AMA
Our commitment to fight any scope of practice expansions that threaten patient safety is deeply rooted. We are tenacious and will do what it takes to defeat these efforts. We are in it for the long haul. Join us.