Representing the AMA's steadfast commitment to advancing the science of physician burnout, the Joy in Medicine™ Health System Recognition Program empowers health systems to reduce burnout and build well-being so that physicians and their patients can thrive.
- Provide guidelines (PDF) for health system leaders interested in implementing programs and policies that actively support well-being.
- Unite the health care community in building a culture committed to increasing joy in medicine for the profession nationwide.
- Build awareness of solutions that promote joy in medicine and spur investment within health systems to reduce physician burnout.
2025 application cycle
The application cycle for the 2025 Joy in Medicine program will open on Jan. 10 and close March 7.
View the 2025 Program Guidelines (PDF) to prepare for your application.
Submit an Intent to Apply today for the 2025 application cycle. Organizations must submit an Intent to Apply to receive access to the application.
Not ready to apply in 2025?
Organizations that are interested in the program but are not prepared to apply in 2025 are invited to submit an Intent to Apply for 2026. This will allow the Joy in Medicine team to stay connected with your organization ahead of future application cycles!
All organizations planning an application for future cycles are welcome to attend our events to learn more about the process and prepare to apply in future years.
Virtual events
2025 Joy in Medicine informational webinar
Our annual informational webinar for health systems interested in applying in 2025 includes a program overview, 2025 program criteria, a demo of the application portal, and a live Q&A about this year's application cycle. Watch webinar.
Credentialing webinar
The AMA and the Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes’ Foundation co-hosted a webinar on Feb. 5 about how organizations are addressing barriers for physicians seeking mental health care by removing invasive and stigmatizing language on mental health from credentialing applications. Watch the webinar.
Drop-in hours
These informal virtual hours are a chance to ask application questions of the practice transformation team.
- Nov. 12, 1–2 p.m. CST
- Dec. 4, 10–11 a.m. CST
- Dec. 12, 10–11 a.m. CST
- Jan. 16, 2–3 p.m. CST
- Jan. 23, 1-2 p.m. CST
- Jan. 28, 9–10 a.m. CST
- Feb. 13, 2–3 p.m. CST
- Feb. 26, 10–11 a.m. CST
Eligibility requirements
Before submitting an application, systems must meet the following eligibility criteria:
1. Organization size
The Joy in Medicine program is intended for health systems with 75 or more physicians. As of 2025, the eligibility requirement due to size has shifted slightly and advanced practice providers (APPs) are no longer included as part of this number.
2. Organization structure
All applications should be submitted on behalf of your organization—not individual departments, GME programs, or affiliated practices within your system. Enterprise-level applications representing your whole health system are preferred. If one or more subsidiaries of a health system (e.g., individual locations or regions) are interested in applying to the program, please reach out to our team for guidance on preparing your application.
3. Assessment of physician well-being
Applicants must have completed an assessment of physician well-being in the last three years using one of the following validated tools:
- Organizational Biopsy® (which includes the Mini-Z)
- Maslach Burnout Inventory
- Mayo Well-Being Index
- Stanford Professional Fulfillment Index
If you have not yet completed a well-being assessment and would like to do so in order to prepare for next year’s application cycle, learn more about the AMA’s no-cost Organizational Biopsy.
If your organization is not currently eligible for the Joy in Medicine program, you may still take advantage of the many available AMA STEPS Forward® resources to help inform and adopt practice solutions that support physician well-being. If you require 1:1 support, consider the AMA STEPS Forward Mentoring for Impact program.
We also encourage you to review and support the Collaborative for Healing and Renewal in Medicine (CHARM) Charter. Learn more about the CHARM charter.
Recognition is based on organizational achievement and effort in six competency areas, evaluated through self-assessment and supporting documentation:
- Assessment: Measuring physician well-being and burnout is critical to understanding and addressing system issues.
- Commitment: A cross-cutting organizational commitment to workforce well-being is essential to preventing burnout within an organization.
- Efficiency of practice environment: Operational efficiency is key to supporting well-being. Workflow and technology inefficiencies – in addition to documentation requirements–play a central role in driving burnout among physicians.
- Teamwork: Effective teamwork can have a tremendous impact on the overall well-being of physicians and care teams.
- Leadership: Leadership behaviors set the foundation of organizational culture, a primary indicator of organizational well-being.
- Support: Cultivating connections at work is an important means to driving professional satisfaction.
Contact information
If you have any questions related to the Joy in Medicine Health System Recognition Program, please contact us.