- Application instructions
- Council application deadline and instructions
- Download council and committee applications
- Review documents
- Elected positions
- AMA council rosters
- AMA Political Action Committee
- Council on Constitution and Bylaws
- Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs
- Council on Legislation
- Council on Long-Range Planning & Development
- Council on Medical Education
- Council on Medical Service
- Council on Science and Public Health
Application instructions
The AMA is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in every facet of organized medicine. The organization encourages diverse candidates, such as historically underrepresented minorities, women, LGBTQ and international medical graduates to apply for positions on AMA councils/committees.
Council application deadline and instructions
- Sponsoring organizations should determine the candidate’s willingness to serve, if selected, prior to submitting applications.
- Physician members of AMA councils/committees must be active members of the AMA at the time of election/appointment and throughout the duration of their term.
- Applications for AMA councils/committees should be presented on the appointed council/committee form, as appropriate.
- Applications for appointed AMA councils and for the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs are due on March 15 every year unless otherwise noted. (Applications for AMPAC are due on July 15—every even year).
- All pertinent information must be provided within the space provided on the form. If applying for multiple councils, please complete a separate form for each submission.
- The sponsor's statement should be at least 50 words and no more than 250.
- Please enclose executive curriculum vitae (no more than three pages) for the candidate, with the application form.
- One letter of support or endorsement may be included with application.
- Review carefully the AMA's Conflict of Interest Policy and Council Principles (PDF), which provide explanatory text and examples. If you are the one seeking an AMA leadership position, you must complete and return the conflict of interest disclosure form that will be sent to you.
- If seeking a leadership position in a separate organization, please also review their disclosure form and determine if you will be able to comply with that organization's conflict of interest policy.
Download council and committee applications
Appointed council position
If applying for a position on the Council on Legislation or Council on Long Range Planning and Development, please submit the appointed council application form.
AMPAC position
If applying for a position on the American Medical Association Political Action Committee (AMPAC) please submit the AMPAC application form:
- AMPAC board application (DOCX)
Review documents
While reviewing these documents, consider if there are pending or anticipated matters that may occur during your term of office which could adversely impact your license to practice medicine or ability to discharge fully the duties you are seeking—without embarrassment to yourself, the AMA or the other organization.
The Office of General Counsel will conduct an enhanced due-diligence review for all announced candidates for election to Councils, that includes:
- An internet search by name
- A check of the AMA Physician Professional Data™ (AMA-PPD), formerly known as AMA Masterfile, to confirm current unrestricted licensure in at least one state
- A check of the National Practitioner Data Bank to confirm the absence of any adverse reports written within the past five years
- Confirmation with the Office of Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for any exclusions from federal health care programs
If you have questions about these documents (including how to complete the conflict of interest disclosure form), contact Beth LaRocca, senior division counsel, at [email protected] the AMA's Office of General Counsel.
Please email nominations by March 15 to: [email protected].
For additional information contact: Nadine Siewnarine at (312) 464-4468.
Students, please visit the Medical Student Opportunities page for information and the application form.
Elected positions
Officers, trustees and four councils (Council of Constitution and Bylaws, Council on Medical Education, Council on Medical Service, or Council on Science and Public Health) are elected by the House of Delegates at the Annual Meeting. In addition, although the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs is considered an elected council, candidates are nominated by the president-elect and therefore requires an application form (DOCX) for consideration.
For more information on HOD elections and rules please visit the HOD elections page.
AMA council rosters
AMA Political Action Committee
- Appointed by the Board of Trustees. Term length 2 years; maximum tenure 4 terms
- Resident/Student term length 2 years; maximum tenure 2 terms
Current members and eligibility for reappointment
- Arora, Hans C., 2026
- Brisman, Michael H., 2026
- Gordon, Victoria (resident), 2026*
- Lawrence, Mary G., 2026
- Ma, Brianna (student) 2026
- Peterson, Elizabeth L., 2026*
- Poole, John W., 2026
- Ribeira, Ryan J., 2026
- Rohr-Kirchgraber, Theresa M., 2026
- Roy, Sion K., 2026
- Tildon-Burton, Janice E., 2026
- Warchol, Jordan M., 2026
Council on Constitution and Bylaws
- Elected by the House of Delegates. Term length 4 years; maximum tenure 2 terms
- Resident term length 2 years
- Student appointed annually
Current members and eligibility for re-election
- Abraham, Jerry P. (chair), 2025
- Armstrong, John H. (ex officio), 2025
- Bair, Mark N. (chair), 2027
- Contogiannis, Mary Anne, 2025 (vice chair)
- Egbert, Lisa B. (ex officio), 2025
- Gribbin, Christopher E., 2028
- Kocharian, Adrina (student), 2025*
- Pfeifle, Daniel O. (resident), 2025
- Reilly Sr., Kevin C., 2026
- Thornquist, Steven C., 2026
* Maximum tenure; not eligible for re-election
Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs
- Nominated by the president-elect and elected by the House of Delegates. Term length 7 years; maximum tenure 1 term
- Resident/Student term length 2 years; maximum tenure 2 terms
Current members and eligibility for re-election
- Brendel, Rebecca W., 2026 (vice chair)
- Derse, Arthur R., 2030
- Doerr, Sophia A. (student), 2025*
- Hickey, Charles J., 2031
- Knight, Michael L., 2029
- Lazarus, Jeremy A., 2025* (chair)
- Mumford, Kelsey C., (resident), 2026
- Reaves, Larry E., 2027
- Sulmasy, Daniel P., 2028
* Maximum tenure; not eligible for re-election
Council on Legislation
- Appointed by the Board of Trustees. Term length 1 year; maximum tenure 8 terms
Current members and eligibility for reappointment
- Appareddy, VijayaLakshmi, 2025
- Bombaugh, Maryanne C., 2025
- Brunson, Claude D., 2025
- Chafty, Michael D., 2025
- Fairbrother, Hilary E., 2025
- Floyd, Gary W., 2025*
- Goldberg, Ross F., 2025
- Kataria, Tripti C., 2025 (vice chair)
- Lapp, Laurie L., (student), 2025*
- Spadafore, Sophia E. (resident), 2025*
- Stroink, Ann R., 2025
- Van Beek, Marta (chair), 2025
* Maximum tenure; not eligible for reappointment
Council on Long-Range Planning & Development
- Appointed by the Board of Trustees and the House of Delegates Speaker. Term length 4 years; maximum tenure 2 terms
- Resident term length 2 years; maximum tenure 2 terms
- Student appointed annually
Current members and eligibility for reappointment
Appointed by BOT
- Cabbabe, Edmond B., 2025*
- Massingill, G. Sealy, 2027
- Patel, Shilpen A., 2028
- Puri, Dhruv, (student), 2025*
- Thal, Gary D., 2025*
* Maximum tenure; not eligible for reappointment
Appointed by Speaker of HOD
- Berger, Michelle A., 2026 (chair)
- Harnish, Erin K., 2028
- Hubeishy, Moudi (resident), 2026
- Katz, Gary R., 2027
- Kief, Jan M., 2027 (vice chair)
* Maximum tenure; not eligible for reappointment
Council on Medical Education
- Elected by the House of Delegates. Term length 4 years; maximum tenure 2 terms
- Resident term length 2 years
- Student appointed annually
Current members and eligibility for re-election
- Baker, Sherri S., 2025
- Caverzagie, Kelly J., 2027 (vice chair)
- Correa Marquez, Ricardo R., 2027
- Edje, Lou C., 2025
- Goldberg, Robert B., 2025*
- Kilgore, Shannon M., 2027
- Lee, Daniel C. (resident), 2025
- Mathew, Suja M., 2026
- Patel, Radhika B., (student), 2025*
- Sidhu, Seema, 2028
- Tomei, Krystal L., 2025* (chair)
- Young, Daniel M., 2027
* Maximum tenure; not eligible for re-election
Council on Medical Service
- Elected by the House of Delegates. Term length 4 years; maximum tenure 2 terms
- Resident term length 2 years; maximum tenure 2 terms
- Student appointed annually
Current members and eligibility for re-election
- Burgess, A. Patrice, 2027
- Chaoui, Alain A., 2025
- Chen, Steven, 2028
- Chu, Betty S., 2026 (chair-elect)
- Coombs, Alice, 2027
- Eiting, Erick A., 2028
- Epstein, Stephen K. (chair), 2026
- Goel, Ravi D., 2026
- Iyer, Hari S. (resident), 2025
- Magrath, Justin W. (student), 2025*
- Rege, Sheila, 2026
- Silva, III, Ezequiel, 2028
* Maximum tenure; not eligible for re-election
Council on Science and Public Health
- Elected by the House of Delegates. Term length 4 years; maximum tenure 2 terms
- Resident term length 2 years
- Student appointed annually
Current members and eligibility for re-election
- Bansal, Ankush K., 2027
- Bisgrove, Joanna T., 2026
- Carlo, John T. (chair), 2025*
- Cohen, Joshua M., 2026
- Cundiff, David R., 2026
- Ekaireb, Rachel, (resident), 2026
- LaPlante, Mary E., 2025*
- Mendelsohn, Marc, 2027
- Osbourne-Roberts, Tamaan K., 2027
- Ranasinghe, Padmini D., 2026 (chair-elect)
- Reddy, Rajadhar T., (student), 2025*
- Tu, Raymond K., 2028
* Maximum tenure; not eligible for re-election
Table of Contents
- Application instructions
- Council application deadline and instructions
- Download council and committee applications
- Review documents
- Elected positions
- AMA council rosters
- AMA Political Action Committee
- Council on Constitution and Bylaws
- Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs
- Council on Legislation
- Council on Long-Range Planning & Development
- Council on Medical Education
- Council on Medical Service
- Council on Science and Public Health