
Return on Health in action: Telehealth scenarios


The Return on Health report (PDF) includes scenarios that explore the value of virtual care (also referred to as telehealth) through the virtual care framework, developed by the American Medical Association, in collaboration with Manatt Health. These illustrative scenarios were developed to show how to apply the framework considering different environmental variables. For a brief overview, see "How to measure the value of virtual health care" (Barron, Mishra, Lloyd & Augenstein; Harvard Business Review).

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Virtual care (telehealth) scenarios

The entities referenced in these illustrative cases are fictional. Individuals, businesses, events and scenarios referenced are influenced by interviews and review of publicly available literature. Any resemblance to actual individuals, entities or events is purely coincidental.

Return on Health report

Explore the evolution toward virtual care, measuring value, applying a digital framework and more.

In addition, the AMA Telehealth Implementation Playbook proposes 12 distinct steps that practices can take to support efficient, successful implementation of telehealth programs. The framework proposed in this report can support those practices in completing four of those 12 steps:

  • Defining success.
  • Making the case.
  • Evaluating success.
  • Scaling.

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