Integrated Physician Practices

AMA Integrated Physician Practice Section: 2016 AMA Annual Meeting highlights


At its fourth Annual Meeting, members of the AMA Integrated Physician Practice Section (IPPS) heard a presentation on “The non-hospital of the future.” It opened with a patient testimonial followed by presentations on how new technologies and outside-the-box thinking can put patients more in control of their care and keep them out of the hospital.

The afternoon program featured an overview of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act by Rich Deem, senior vice president of AMA advocacy. Doug Wood, MD, medical director of the Center for Innovation at the Mayo Clinic, used Mayo’s ground-breaking research to support the notion that, rather than measure multiple processes of health care, including specialty and sub-specialty processes, physicians should measure health in a meaningful way using patient-reported outcome measures and total cost of care over time.

The AMA-IPPS elected a new member to the governing council: Randall Gibb, MD, chief medical officer at the Billings Clinic in Montana.