HOD Organization

Delegates & federation societies

UPDATED | 2 Min Read

The House of Delegates (HOD) includes well over 600 voting delegates (and a corresponding number of alternate delegates), all of whom are members of the AMA and who have been selected by the organization they represent, such as state or territorial medical associations, national medical specialty organizations, professional interest medical associations, the federal services and the AMA’s member sections. Some organizations are also allowed to officially observe the proceedings of the HOD, although they are not able to vote.

The election materials for the current year will be available on the HOD's meeting web page eight weeks prior to the meeting.

Delegate apportionment for 2025 is based on year end 2024 membership data.

Apportionment figures are provided for:

  • Constituent societies
  • National medical specialty societies
  • AMWA, AOA, NMA, federal services, AMA sections and professional interest medical associations.

2025 House of Delegates apportionment (PDF)