Precision Medicine

Driving the future of precision medicine: Advocacy

Parallel sequence - precision medicine

To counteract the uncertainties around precision medicine, the AMA is working to ensure physicians have a voice in regulatory and payment legislation. The AMA has adopted over 40 policiesto promote sustainable precision medicine delivery, and developed guiding principles to direct its efforts.

Advancing public health

The AMA leads the charge on public health. Our members are the frontline of patient care, expanding access to care for underserved patients and developing key prevention strategies.

  1. Integrating precision medicine into alternative payment models H-185.923 (2018)

  2. Payment and coverage for genetic/genomic precision medicine D-185.980 (2018)

  3. The Precision Medicine Initiative D-460.968 (2018)

  4. Genomic-based personalized medicine H-460.908 (2017)

  5. Genetic Discrimination and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act H-65.659 (2017)

  6. Direct-to-consumer marketing and availability of genetic testing D-480.987 (2017)

Table of Contents

  1. AMA advocacy efforts
  2. AMA news