On March 24, 2021, the AMA held a webinar in the AMA STEPS Forward™ series: "Seeking feedback like you mean it: Time to take IACTion"
When was the last time you actively sought feedback from someone who is regularly affected by your leadership or work, or when someone senior to you directly sought feedback from you?
For too many, the answer is “it’s been a while.” And yet, without regular, useful feedback, how can anyone know if they are on target with their intentions or realize their impact on others?
This interactive AMA STEPS Forward™ webinar allows for you to begin to consider feedback in an entirely new way and will provide a structure and tools that have the potential to accelerate your professional growth. If you are eager to grow, this will be an hour well-invested.
Webinar recording
Webinar recording
Mark Greenawald, MD, professor and vice chair, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Carilion Clinic and the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine
Dr. Greenawald is professor and vice chair of family medicine and community medicine at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine (VTC) and presently serves as the vice chair for academic affairs and professional development and as residency program faculty for the Carilion Clinic Department of Family and Community Medicine. He also serves as the medical director for the Carilion Clinic Institute for Leadership Effectiveness (ILE) and is a leader of well-being initiatives for his clinical department as well as Carilion Clinic and VTC. In February 2020, he rolled out the PeerRx Med program, a peer support and professional growth program that has already impacted the personal and professional well-being of clinicians and health care teams around the world.