AMA in the News

AMA in the News: September 2022

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AMA in the News covers media coverage and mentions about the American Medical Association. Find articles recognizing our efforts in health care, advocacy, medical education and improvements in public health. Read coverage on the achievements of our leadership and the members of the AMA community.

  1. AMA’s Dr. James Madara to discuss precompetitive positions and innovation needs at AAO

    1. AJMC, Sept. 26, 2022
    2. “I will discuss a couple of things. One is the strategic framework of the AMA, and it has 3 arcs. Those arcs represent what I would call precompetitive positions. One is chronic disease, one is lifelong learning, and one is removing obstacles from physician-patient interactions.” said James Madara, MD.
  2. Physician burnout is at an all-time high, says AMA

    1. Healthcare IT News, Sept. 19, 2022
    2. After declining for six years, the burnout rate among doctors began to spike with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to research by the American Medical Association, Mayo Clinic and Stanford Medicine. By the end of 2021, some 21 months later, the physician burnout rate rose to an unprecedented high.
  3. Why overdose deaths skyrocketed after opioid prescriptions dropped

    1. Time, Sept. 19, 2022
    2. According to data released by the American Medical Association (AMA) on Sept. 8 (PDF), opioid prescriptions have dropped in every state over the last decade, plummeting nearly 50% nationally. (Publication subscription is required for full or unlimited access.)
  4. AMA study: Physicians increasingly adopting digital health tools

    1. HC Innovations Group, Sept. 13, 2022
    2. The Chicago- and Washington, D.C.-based American Medical Association (AMA) on Tuesday released the results of that study, entitled the “AMA Digital Health Care 2022 Study.” And, not surprisingly, the highest level of digital tool adoption so far has been in the area of remote care delivery.
  5. Medical impact of Roe reversal goes well beyond abortion clinics, doctors say

    1. New York Times, Sept. 10, 2022
    2. “Some others have said that these are incredibly rare situations,” Jack Resneck Jr., MD, the president of the American Medical Association, said in an interview. “To the contrary, this is happening every day, all the time in these states.” (Publication subscription is required for full or unlimited access.)
  6. AMA calls eliminating no-cost preventive care 'unwise and unthinkable'

    1. Health Leaders Media, Sept. 9, 2022
    2. AMA President Jack Resneck Jr., MD, called the elimination of no-cost preventive care "unwise and unthinkable" in a statement following Judge Reed O'Connor's decision to strike down the ACA law mandating employers to cover an HIV prevention drug.
  7. AMA warns ‘patient health is at risk’ post-Roe, calls for ‘clear guidance’ on state abortion laws

    1. The Hill, Sept. 8, 2022
    2. The American Medical Association (AMA) and three other health organizations warned on Thursday that patients’ health is at risk in the aftermath of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade and called on state officials across the country to give “clear guidance” on the interpretation of their abortion laws.  
  8. AMA and others make MSSP requests ahead of final rule

    1. Healthcare Finance News, Sept. 2, 2022
    2. Ahead of the Sept. 6 comment deadline, the American Medical Association and 10 other provider organizations submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on how the 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule affects accountable care organization models.