Young Physicians

YPS members and news highlights


The YPS is the voice of young physicians concerned about issues affecting their practice and their patients. Members work to influence policy and advocacy, and address various issues including health equity, work/life balance, income/reimbursement and administrative burdens.

April 2024

From YPS Chair Jordan Warchol, MD, MPH

Jordan Warchol, MD, MPH
Jordan Warchol, MD, MPH

Hello friends,

As I write to you today, the forecast here in Omaha predicts a beautiful, 65°F day. I will likely spend most of it inside, doing my work. I imagine that many of you would be in similar situations. Though the weather outside is turning toward spring and summer, inside it is still 72°F and fluorescent. The work we have to do never ends. So often when I talk to colleagues around the country we commiserate that the weight of the world seems to be resting on our shoulders. There are patients to see, waiting lists to tackle, prior authorizations to complete, clinical decisions to defend. Still beyond our patient-facing responsibilities, there are articles to write, policymakers to educate and long-held professional values to defend. 

These pressures must not keep us from life beyond the walls of our clinics, offices or operating rooms. As we all know, physician burnout is a plague on our profession. I do not mean to suggest that the cure for the challenges we face is simply getting outside (even if for a wellness yoga session). That said, I cannot remember the last time I didn’t improve my mood by walking out my front door and standing in the sunshine.

This month marks two holidays which celebrate the great outdoors: Earth Day on April 22 and Arbor Day which this year lands on April 26. I plan to use at least one of these opportunities to celebrate my love for our shared vocation by taking an hour or two to step away from it. When the day-to-day slog can at times feel bleak, this is a welcome opportunity to remember the beauty of the world around us. I hope you’ll join me.

As always, email us at [email protected] with any comments and questions.