Senior Physicians

Meeting highlights from the AMA Senior Physicians Section


The AMA Senior Physicians Section (SPS) sponsored an education program titled “The aging physician: Possibilities and perils” June 6 as part of its annual meeting in Chicago.

The well-attended program featured Glen O. Gabbard, MD, clinical professor of psychiatry at Baylor College of Medicine. The moderator for the session was Barbara S. Schneidman, MD, from the AMA-SPS Governing Council, along with three reaction panelists: Louis J. Kraus, MD, from the AMA Council on Science and Public Health; David J. Welsh, MD, from the AMA Organized Medical Staff Section; and Lt. Col. Ronit B. Katz, MD, from the AMA International Medical Graduates Section. 

The program was facilitated by Nancy W. Dickey, MD, former AMA president and professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine and the Department of Medical Humanities in the College of Medicine and professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management in the School of Public Health at Texas A&M’s Health Science Center.  

Recent surveys of physicians indicate that late-career physicians, compared to those in early- or mid-career, are generally the most satisfied and have the lowest rates of distress. This education session explored the difficulties and gratifications of the golden years. Research on successful aging was considered and recommendations were offered.

The AMA-SPS Governing Council also met June 5 to review resolutions and reports related to senior physician issues, including the AMA Council on Medical Education Report 5, “Competency and the aging physician.” The governing council also completed interviews of board candidates.

During this year’s meeting, elections of committee officers were announced for the two officer-at-large positions: Angus M. McBryde, Jr., MD, from Columbia, S.C., and Barbara S. Schneidman, MD, from Seattle, Wash., were reelected.  Additionally, the AMA-SPS Governing Council held a roundtable discussion with the AMA Medical Student Section titled, “Medical student debt: If I knew then, what I know now,” which had topics chosen in advance by the medical students.