International Medical Graduates

International Medical Graduates (IMG) Recognition Week

UPDATED | 5 Min Read
IMG Recognition Week

During International Medical Graduate (IMG) Physicians Recognition Week, Oct. 21-25, AMA honors and celebrates IMG physicians who are a vital component of the physician workforce and the AMA.

IMG physicians play a critical role in the delivery of health care services. Having a disruption to the flow of IMGs who practice medicine in the U. S. would cause a tremendous change in medicine and affect the lives of patients.

Join us and participate in IMG Recognition Week by showing the value of your IMG physicians.

The AMA helps physicians build a better future for medicine, advocating in the courts and on the Hill to remove obstacles to patient care and confront today’s greatest health crises.

  • AMA sent several letters to the Administration and other federal entities to expedite visa processing and reduce the barriers and hindrances for IMGs practicing medicine in the U.S.
  • On Aug. 1, 2023, the AMA signed onto a letter supporting the Conrad State 30 and Physician Access Reauthorization Act (H.R. 4942). Continuation of this program is especially critical for specialties that train a high number of IMGs who come to the United States on J-1 visas to complete their residency. Without a Conrad 30 waiver, these visas require this category of IMGs to return to their country of origin for at least two years before applying for another visa or green card. The Conrad State 30 and Physician Access Reauthorization Act would reauthorize this crucial program for three years, make several targeted policy improvements and permit the gradual expansion of the number of waivers granted to each state.
  • On Aug. 4, 2023, the AMA sent a letter expressing our support for H.R. 4942, the “Conrad State 30 and Physician Access Reauthorization Act,” which would reauthorize and make targeted improvements to the J-1 visa waiver program in a manner that helps alleviate the shortage of physicians, especially in rural and underserved areas, and promotes a more diversified workforce.
  • AMA provided resources regarding subsidies, visa processing/delays, visas affecting families, unlicensed physicians in the U.S., current physicians practicing medicine and licensing examinations.

Learn about AMA member Subhash Chandra, MD, his journey in the field of forensic psychiatry and his passion for mentoring international medical students.

Physician journeys & contributions to the U.S. health care system

This webinar will delve into the unique experiences that shape the careers of this diverse set of physicians, from medical school to clinical practice, highlighting the challenges and triumphs along the way. Also, explore your own journey in the light of what you hear and see how you can shape it differently for others. 

Our guest speaker is George M. Abraham, MD, MPH, MACP, FIDSA, FRCP (Lon.), chief of medicine at Saint Vincent Hospital, director of the Division of Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine; professor of medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and chair-elect of the board of directors of the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB).


  • Oct. 21, 2024, 7 p.m. Central


  • George M. Abraham, MD, MPH, MACP, FIDSA, FRCP (Lon.), chief of medicine, Saint Vincent Hospital


Registration is now open. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

IMG section members who have been helped on their journey to navigate practicing medicine in the U.S. were invited to submit nominations to recognize their mentors. Congratulations to this year’s top mentors, Hector Arreaza, MD, and Kim Yu, MD. 

Dr. Arreaza was nominated by Raquel Horowitz, MD, and Dr. Yu was nominated by John Pinches, MD, and Yiuing Pinches, MD.

Mentor Hector Arreaza, MD

He is a fantastic associate program director at Rio Bravo Family Medicine Residency in Bakersfield, California. He has made a difference in the careers of many IMGs. Dr. Arreaza provides care to underserved communities, mainly Latinos with low incomes. In addition, he has been involved in medical education for many doctors, working as a producer of the collaborative podcast of the AAFP in Spanish, which provides high-quality medical education to Hispanic doctors all over the world. He is also a great mentor, guiding me and many other residents in projects, community activities and research. I won the 2024 Graduate Medical Excellence Award from the American Academy of Family Physicians because Dr. Arreaza has supported me in many activities for the last three years. I genuinely believe this mentor needs to be recognized; he is an excellent IMG who works daily to improve the IMG doctor's education and provide outstanding care to our underserved communities.

Dr. Arreaza was also recognized as an outstanding FM fellow by the AAFP in 2023. The Degree of Fellow recognizes AAFP members who have distinguished themselves among their colleagues and others as well as their professional development through medical education and research.

Mentor Kim Yu, MD

She has helped me to make the most of my interview, CV and personal statement for my residency application. She made a difference for me, my wife and at least 10 other IMGs. So many I don’t even know.

We thank Dr. Yu for her help with my residency application and my husband’s and countless others, all pro bono out of the goodness of her heart. She is a wonderful example and great mentor! We are lucky to have her!

IMG physician toolkit

Navigate the process of practicing medicine in the U.S. as an IMG physician with resources from the International Medical Graduate section.

Additional resources

Learn more about the U.S. clinical experience opportunities for IMGs and how the AMA advocates for IMG physicians.

Are you currently in a U.S. residency program or are you ECFMG-certified and waiting to match into a U.S. residency program (GME position)? Join now.