Preparing for Residency

Top 5 things residents wish they had known about the Match


Registration for the National Resident Matching Program opened this week, kicking off a busy season for fourth-year medical students.

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To help graduating students prepare, residents shared their top five tips on what they wish they had known when they participated in the Match.

  1. Go with your gut. “Although pro/con lists or a systematic process might be helpful, you’ll know which programs are the best fits for you,” said Jessica Deslauriers, MD, an internal medicine resident at Yale-New Haven Hospital. 
  2. Don’t stress out over what you can’t control, but be prepared. “This is a stressful time, but you should take a moment to appreciate this exciting part of your journey to become a physician,” said Christopher Wee, MD, an internal medicine resident at the Cleveland Clinic. At the same time, “you should control the things you can control to avoid a careless mistake,” Dr. Wee said. “That means double-checking every piece of correspondence by making sure it’s going to the intended recipient and making sure you keep your calendar updated because you often have to respond to interview invitations on short notice.”
  3. Apply to your dream programs. “You are likely more qualified and capable than you might imagine,” said Dr. Deslauriers. “If you are offered an interview, the program already thinks you would be a good match for them. Be yourself on interview day, and show them how great you really are!”   
  4. Anticipate a variety of interview styles. “You can’t predict every situation, but you should prepare for interviews in which you may need to answer a lot of questions, as well as interviews in which you might need to help direct the conversation by asking your own questions,” said. Dr. Wee.
  5. Try to relax. “Even if you are convinced that you matched to the last program on your rank list, you will still be an employed doctor next year,” said Dr. Deslauriers. “That’s an honor and privilege that unfortunately not all medical students get.”

Use the AMA’s FREIDA Online to search graduate medical education programs and narrow down your choices. Find more deadlines, tips and information on the Match website.