Annual Meeting

2024 Annual Meeting of the HOD: May 15 Speakers' Update

| 2 Min Read

The consolidated HOD Handbook has been posted on the AMA Annual Meeting website. It includes all sections in one large PDF with links for easier navigation. The handbook by tab remains available as posted last week.

It was brought to our attention that some of the strikethroughs and underlines did not transfer over correctly into the Google sheet. We have made these corrections. Should any other issues be found, please do not hesitate to email [email protected] so they can be corrected as soon as possible. 

Meeting services has informed us that over 400 delegates and alternates have yet to register for the 2024 Annual Meeting. Advance registration online is required for all attendees of the AMA sections, House of Delegates and the Specialty and Service Society meetings and their guests and children. To register, visit the registration page

The deadline to purchase tickets to the inaugural reception and dinner/dance is May 20. No reservations/payments will be accepted after that date, and no onsite purchases will be available. Individuals who wish to participate should coordinate reservations and payment with their sponsoring organization prior to the established deadline.

-- Responses should be directed to [email protected]

For additional speakers' updates visit the updates overview page.