The AMA Update covers a range of health care topics affecting the lives of physicians and patients. Learn more about cardiovascular disease statistics and more.
Find resources on managing messages from the patient portal.
AMA Credentialing Solutions generates individual Physician Profiles from the AMA Physician Professional Data
Precision education is a developing concept and one of four new focus areas for the AMA ChangeMedEd® initiative. Find out more.
Medication nonadherence is costly and deadly and frustrates even seasoned physicians. An online training covers how to tackle this common problem.
Each month, the AMA Medical Student Outreach Program (MSOP) identifies one event to highlight as the Section Involvement Grant Event of the Month. Find out more.
The AMA offers answers to questions medical students are likely to ask during their undergraduate medical training.
Understanding how to beat burnout can be a key to a physician’s making the successful transition from medical school to residency.
Here is what you need to know about these key elements of physician contracts.
What to look out for at the AMA National Advocacy Conference and more in the latest Advocacy Update spotlight.
Tell your representative: Co-sponsor H.R. 879 and more in the latest Medicare Payment Reform Advocacy Update.
ChangeMedEd® is a national conference that brings together leaders and innovators to accelerate change in medical education across the continuum. Learn more.
Officials and members gather to address policy at the AMA Annual Meeting.
Find information on the delegation certification and rosters for the state and national medical specialty societies and member section delegates of the AMA HOD.
The Specialty and Service Society (SSS) is the largest caucus in the AMA House of Delegates.
Apply for a leadership position by submitting the required documentation by the deadline.
See how the CCB recommends changes to the AMA Constitution and Bylaws and assists in reviewing the rules, regulations and procedures of AMA sections.
Find information about the engagement and recruitment grants available through your local AMA medical student section.
Facilitating young physician engagement in organized medicine, increasing the visibility of young physicians, leadership opportunities and YPS advocacy.
Find a calendar listing the upcoming meetings of the CPT Editorial Panel.
The AMA remains deeply committed to addressing both the opportunities and challenges emerging in today’s evolving health care landscape.
The RFS Community brings members together to shape medical education and the practice of medicine. Learn more about the community on the AMA.
M4s can gain insight on life in a physician residency program by asking current residents about scheduling, culture, work-life balance and more.
AMA member Alisha Reiss, MD, didn’t get all the info she needed about the employed setting in residency. One tip: Don’t get wowed by that first offer.
AMA member Stephanie Strohbeen, MD, says learning to be a great teammate is one of the biggest growth experiences in residency.
Learn from two AMA members about why organized medicine is an ideal venue in which medical students can build their leadership skills.
Even with some experience using the EHR in medical school, you won’t master it on day one as an intern. Heed these tips for a successful transition.
Becoming chief resident can dramatically change your postgraduate experience. Co-chief resident Nicolas K. Fletcher, MD, breaks down what to expect.
Look for the right project, seek out doable ways to help. But before jumping in, make sure you can handle your medical school workload.
The second year of physician residency comes with an increase in responsibilities and a change in role. How can new PGY-2s excel?
Licensing exams place big burdens on resident physicians. AMA calls for changes to Step 3 and COMLEX Level 3 to help save residents time and money.