Medical students are working every day to learn the best ways to treat tomorrow’s patients—but many are having an impact on important health issues today, too. Social media is the perfect place for students and medical schools to share their good work.
Some schools are taking the #ALSIceBucketChallenge to raise awareness for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. The challenge swept social media over the past few weeks, and the University of Massachusetts Medical School students, the school’s chancellor and one of its top ALS researchers took the challenge, dumping buckets of ice cold water over their heads.
Albany Medical College’s class of 2018 joined the #ALSIceBucketChallenge, too, as did medical students from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine.
Other schools are taking to social media to benefit other causes and share their work. The Commonwealth Medical College’s bike club, the Spin Doctors, recently raced in the 2014 Tour de Shore, a 65-mile bike ride to benefit the Irish Pub Children’s Foundation, which supports children of law enforcement killed in the line of duty.
Students at the Eastern Virginia Medical School participated in the school’s Community Impact Day, sprucing up a local elementary school. The Georgetown University School of Medicine AMA Medical Student Section hosted a clothing drive to benefit the local community.
Share your school’s success: How is your school benefiting a good cause or local organization? Share your projects with the AMA on Facebook and Twitter.