Personal Member Benefits & Discounts

FREIDA™, the AMA Residency & Fellowship Database® member benefit

2 Min Read

Although it may seem daunting to find a residency program or fellowship, the AMA is here to help.

Simplify your research and prepare for your residency or fellowship with FREIDA™, the AMA Residency and Fellowship Database®, which includes over 13,000 ACGME-accredited programs. 

Search FREIDA™ for a residency or fellowship

Get access to the member-only residency guide, calculator and dashboard where you can save, compare and rank programs.

FREIDA’s exceptional tools and resources let you:

  • Target and refine your search using up to 35 filters; for example, location (using list or map view), program type, application information, salary, child care and much more.
  • Save favorite custom searches and nickname your favorites to re-use with a free AMA account.
  • Get information on sponsoring and affiliated institutions using our directory with over 7,000 training institutions.
  • Explore over 180 specialties and subspecialties with FREIDA’s Specialty Guide, designed to simplify medical students’ specialty selection process, including detailed training information and related specialty society information.

Browse our video gallery, including the “Road to Residency” video series, which helps guide medical students to find the types of residency programs that are right for them with valuable insights on budgeting, ranking, Match Day and more. 

Get residency-ready with AMA benefits

  • Find your perfect match using full features of FREIDA™, the AMA Residency & Fellowship Database®
  • Distinguish yourself with AMA leadership opportunities

Supporting you today as a medical student. Protecting your future as a physician.

AMA members gain access to additional benefits including:

FREIDA members-only dashboard

Compare and analyze program attributes side-by-side and download your results into a personal Excel spreadsheet that you can continue updating. A personalized section for adding your notes, ratings, application status and post-interview thoughts will help you create your Rank Order List for the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP).

FREIDA Residency Calculator

Access FREIDA’s easy-to-use residency calculator, a tool that helps students plan ahead for applications, interviews and Match fees.

Join today for full access to FREIDA!