Medical Resident Wellness

5 topics that residency programs most commonly teach online

Brendan Murphy , Senior News Writer

As learners and physicians, residents are busy. Still, there are vital lessons—particularly those listed in the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education’s (ACGME) core-competency requirements—they must gain to grow in their craft.

The AMA GME Competency Education Program is a key too, in fostering that growth. The award-winning program provides a superior, engaging educational experience for resident physicians and simple dashboards and reporting to help GME administrators easily manage residents’ progress.

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The five module topics below cover areas as varied as clinical roles and personal well-being and are the most popular among residency programs that subscribe to the AMA GME Competency Education Program.

  1. Addressing sleep deprivation

    1. Sleep is essential to physicians’ alertness and performance, and a severe shortage of rest can affect the quality of patient care they provide. Yet many physicians, particularly during residency training, don’t get enough sleep. The course gives trainees awareness on the signs of sleep deprivation and how to address the problem.
  2. Addressing health care disparities

    1. Inequities in health care are a pervasive reality. Confronting and, eventually, eradicating them will require a multifaceted approach. One weapon in the effort is an attribute that is essential to patient care: understanding. Recognizing patients’ cultural differences can lead to more effective diagnosis, treatment and management. This concept, often referred to as cultural competency, can play a significant role in addressing disparities.
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  3. Practicing self-care

    1. The excellent care that patients expect at teaching hospitals shouldn’t come with risk to the well-being of the resident physicians who do so much to provide it. The reality is that harmful stress while in training is common. This module offers techniques to cope when stress threatens to take over a resident’s life.
  4. Emphasizing patient safety

    1. Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in America. Learning how residents play a key role in reducing harm to patients and can identify systemwide strategies to prevent adverse patient safety incidents is a key topic for trainees.

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  5. Effectively handing off patients

    1. Patient handoffs occur at hospitals at all hours of the day and for a variety of reasons, from shift to shift or from one department to another. Handoffs are taking on even greater importance as COVID-19’s surge of patients require emergency care, hospitalization and intensive care strains physicians and care teams.

Visit the AMA GME Competency Education Program for more information on course offerings or to request a demo.