Public Health

COVID-19 vaccines: New CPT guidance, CME, info for patients


Kevin B. O'Reilly

Senior News Editor

As new COVID-19 vaccines continue to come to the U.S. market, the AMA is unveiling several new resources to help patients and physicians navigate the pandemic.

COVID-19 vaccine development

Get reliable information on developments in the authorization, distribution and administration of COVID-19 vaccines.

Part of the AMA’s COVID-19 Current Procedure Terminology (CPT™) guidance, the “Find your COVID-19 Vaccine CPT® Codes” resource helps you determine the appropriate CPT code combination for the type and dose of vaccine that you are using. With the rapidly expanding availability of different vaccines coming to market, understanding the appropriate reporting for the vaccine that physicians and qualified health care professionals plan to deliver to patients is critical.

These codes incorporate the specialized tracking needs of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) by identifying two code groups. One group identifies a specific vaccine product and the other provides a vaccine administration code that is both vaccine- and dose-pecific.

Find out what else physicians need to know about CPT codes for the new coronavirus vaccines, and learn more about COVID-19 and vaccine development.

The AMA-hosted “COVID-19: What Physicians Need to Know” webinar series offers fact-based insights from the nation’s highest-ranking subject-matter experts working to protect the health of the public.

Meanwhile, the AMA Ed Hub™ has compiled a collection of COVID-19 vaccines CME courses to help physicians better understand these lifesaving innovations.

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Physicians can access CME material from the JAMA Network™, AMA Journal of Ethics®and more. The materials detail basics about the vaccines, along with prioritization and delivery, vaccine delivery equity, ethical implications and public health safeguards.

The AMA Ed Hub is an online platform with high-quality CME and education that supports the professional development needs of physicians and other qualified health professionals. With topics relevant to you, it also offers an easy, streamlined way to find, take, track and report educational activities. Learn more about AMA CME accreditation.

The AMA also is a significant contributor to a $50 million national communications effort by the Ad Council to increase confidence in vaccination against COVID-19. The effort was developed in partnership with the COVID collaborative.

The initiative will reach key audiences across the country through research-driven creative campaigns, strategic media placements, community outreach and trusted messenger engagement–representing one of the largest public education efforts in history.

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Leading contributors to the effort, which has raised $37 million to date, include major corporations such as Bank of America, Facebook, General Motors, Google and YouTube, the Humana Foundation, NBCUniversal/Comcast, Salesforce, Verizon, Walgreens and Walmart.

The AMA also recently published two documents for physicians and others to share essential COVID-19 information with patients.

The first, “What Patients Need to Know About Wearing Face Masks,” covers the benefits of cloth face masks, considerations for selecting a mask and when to wear one.

The second, “COVID-19 Transmission: Patient-Facing Information,” is an easy-to-understand, one-page document detailing what COVID-19 is, how it is spread, risk factors, and how to limit COVID-19 infection risk.