The Resident & Fellow Section (RFS) will host the webinar "Career Planning: How to Build a Career in Private Practice," on March 30, 7-8 p.m. Central.
Register for the webinar now.
Peter DeRosa, MD
Peter DeRosa, MD, earned a degree in biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, followed by a medical degree from Penn State University in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Dr. DeRosa is passionate about technological and diagnostic advancements in the field of pathology. He currently serves on several national committees for the ASCP, as a hill day representative for the CAP.
Carolynn Francavilla Brown, MD
Green Mountain Partners for Health
Carolynn Francavilla Brown, MD, is a family physician and obesity specialist serving as a member-at-large of the PPPS. Dr. Francavilla Brown owns and operates Green Mountain Partners for Health, a four-physician family medicine practice in the Denver, Colorado area.
Daniel E. Choi, MD
Spine Medicine and Surgery of Long Island
Daniel E. Choi, MD, an orthopaedic spinal surgeon in Long Island, New York, serves as alternate delegate of the PPPS. Dr. Choi founded his solo practice, Spine Medicine and Surgery of Long Island, during the COVID-19 pandemic and advocates for the viability of independent practice as a councilor of the Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY). He also serves on the AMA Ambassadors Steering Committee.
Keshni Ramnanan, MD
Oak Medical Group
Keshni Ramnanan, MD, is an internist serving as a member-at-large on the PPPS, representing private practices with more than 50 physicians. Dr. Ramnanan serves as chief medical officer of Oak Medical Group, a large physician practice in Wisconsin.