Tait Shanafelt, MD
4 Min Read

3 ways to make your organization proactive on physician burnout

AMA member Tait Shanafelt, MD, has made a career out of focusing on physician well-being. Learn about his prescription for organizational change.

Physician Health

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Christine Sinsky, MD
4 Min Read

How private practice helped this doctor find work-life balance

Christine Sinsky, MD, says her private practice setting was a blessing in disguise and set her on a path to helping doctors transform their daily work.

Private Practices
Female physician walking down hallway
4 Min Read

Top 4 frustrations for physician moms returning to work

Return to work after maternity leave can be difficult due to a variety of factors that can lead to physician burnout. Find out more from the AMA.

Health Equity
Woman handing groceries to another woman
4 Min Read

Harvard epidemiologist: Beware COVID-19’s second wave this fall

Marc Lipsitch, DPhil, director of Harvard’s Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics, warns of a difficult autumn in terms of COVID-19 caseloads and the toll exacted by mitigation tactics.

Public Health
Man analyzing graphs on interactive board
5 Min Read

What’s ahead on COVID-19? Expert offers forecast for summer, fall

Yale researcher Nicholas A. Christakis, MD, PhD, MPH, says the coronavirus most resembles the 1957 influenza pandemic, and provides insight on what the coming months may bring.

Public Health
Close up image of Carolynn Francavilla Brown, MD
11 Min Read

She’s a private practice advocate, a mentor—and a heroine

A year out of residency, Carolynn Francavilla Brown, MD, co-founded a flourishing private practice. Her training has enabled her to handle any task—even a desperate call for help.

Overhead of two doctors looking at smart pad
6 Min Read

6 big things that must change to beat physician burnout

There’s a need for collective, coordinated action across all levels of the health care system to combat physician burnout. Find out how to lay the foundation for change.

Physician Health
Photo of Tonya Fancher, MD, MPH
9 Min Read

Teaching culturally humble primary care

Tonya Fancher, MD, MPH, knows that more primary care doctors in a community means longer-living residents and more equitable outcomes. She’s made it her medical school’s mission to help aspiring doctors remain connected to their communities.

Health Equity
Photo of Susan Skochelak, MD, MPH on a  white background.
14 Min Read

Redesigning training to capture the big picture

Susan E. Skochelak, MD, heads two national efforts that aim to change the culture and curriculum of medical education. Together, they’re all about improving patient care.

ChangeMedEd Initiative