First physician job post-residency? Get your cheat sheet now

Your one-stop shop for AMA member-exclusive resources to get your first job out of residency.

Resident to attending cheat sheet index image
Physician running
7 Min Read

Physician contracting: Job duties and liability insurance

Find out how to structure your employment contract to ensure you get the work hours and financial protection you want.

Transition from Resident to Attending
Transitioning to Practice

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Aerial view of man standing in the middle of a fence
13 Min Read

Physician contracting: Restrictive covenants, termination clauses

Here is what you need to know about these key elements of physician contracts. 

Transition from Resident to Attending
Transitioning to Practice
Resident to attending cheat sheet index image
1 Min Read

First physician job post-residency? Get your cheat sheet now

Your one-stop shop for AMA member-exclusive resources to get your first job out of residency.

Transition from Resident to Attending
Woman looking up from reading a contract
10 Min Read

Physician contracting: What to look for in pay, benefits

It’s all about money. Or is it? An AMA senior attorney explains the many nuances to know about when studying compensation and benefit packages.

Transition from Resident to Attending
Transitioning to Practice
Young adult reviewing a contract
12 Min Read

Physician contracting: Understanding letters of intent

This is a key element in physician contract negotiations. Also, find out when should you retain an attorney during the contracting process.

Medical Residency Personal Finance
Transitioning to Practice
Man showing another man a paper or document to sign
16 Min Read

Physician contracting: What to know before you sign

There are some key questions that residents and young physicians should consider during the contracting process. For example: Do physicians tend to stay?

Transition from Resident to Attending
Transitioning to Practice
Smiling candidate shakes hands at a job interview
6 Min Read

Final-year residents: Are you up to speed with your job search?

From the application to the offer, there are four key steps to landing your first job as a practicing physician. Learn from a seasoned recruiter.

Transition from Resident to Attending
Transitioning to Practice
John R. Corker, MD
9 Min Read

What I wish I knew in residency about life in group practice

AMA member John R. Corker, MD, has been with a group practice for eight years and is now an owner. What led him there? Knowing what he wanted.

Transition from Resident to Attending
Transitioning to Practice
Moving boxes
4 Min Read

Relocation bonus after residency: What to expect, what to ask for

Relocation compensation in your first physician job after residency training is almost a given. Learn what’s usually covered and watch out for these wrinkles.

Transition from Resident to Attending
Transitioning to Practice