International Medical Education

International Medical Graduates (IMG) toolkit: Financial planning

Discover how the AMA provides financial strategies and services to IMGs.

UPDATED | 1 Min Read

Physicians have an opportunity to work with a vetted financial professional who offers an interactive, web-based financial planning service. Doctors will have access to outside professionals who offer a variety of financial planning, retirement planning and wealth management services.

IMGs succeed with AMA benefits

  • Resources to help navigate the U.S. health care system
  • Access to nationwide observation opportunities

The AMA Insurance Physicians Financial Partners program offers a wide variety of financial strategies, services and products, including:

  • Wealth management.
  • Financial planning.
  • Life insurance.
  • Annuities.
  • Physicians 401(k).
  • Long term care insurance.

Influence AMA policy

The International Medical Graduates Section (IMGS) gives voice to and advocates for issues that impact IMG physicians.

For information on the Physicians Financial Partners program, call 888.627.5902, email [email protected] or complete the request for information to be contacted without obligation.

The tools, resources and products described are offered through Millennium Brokerage Group, LLC, and other planning professionals approved to participate in our program.

Millennium is a strategic marketing partner of AMA Insurance (AMAI) and is an approved member of AMA Insurance’s Physicians Financial Partners Program.

Visit the IMG Toolkit page for additional resources.


AMA Insurance Agency

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Additional resources for IMGs