Population Care

Access to transgender medical care spotlighted


A recent New York Times editorial has highlighted the importance of improving access to transgender medical care.

The piece states that “the American Medical Association, the largest group of doctors in the country, published a landmark resolution in 2008 that said barriers to transition-related care needed to be eliminated, citing ‘an established body of medical research that demonstrates the effectiveness and medical necessity’ of transition-related care. Every other prominent medical association in the country has echoed that assessment. But a corresponding shift in public policy has begun to take root only over the past couple of years.”

The AMA Advisory Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Issues was established by the AMA Board of Trustees in 2005 to provide advice and counsel to the board and AMA staff, when appropriate, on policy matters that bear directly on LGBT physicians, students and patients. 

The committee focuses on matters including, but not limited to, sexual orientation and gender identity/expression and is developing strategies, programs and policies to better serve AMA members, potential members and patients. To support the efforts of the AMA and its advisory committee, join the AMA or renew your membership today. To subscribe to the bi-monthly AMA-LGBT list serve, email the committee.