Preparing for Residency

Medical students share Match reactions on Twitter


Many fourth-year medical students experienced a stressful, then joyous Monday, the first day of some National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) results. 

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This week marks the start of Match Week, an exciting—and nerve-wracking—week in every medical student’s life that determines whether and where they will begin their residencies. Students found out Monday if they matched. Many of those who didn’t match will take part in the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program®.

More tweets from medical students awaiting NRMP notice

On Friday, students will find out the location of their future residencies. 

Students took to Twitter to share their excitement, fear and joy in the hours before and after the official start of Match Week. 

Some students highlighted the anticipation before receiving notice from NRMP:

Other students shared their relief and looked forward to Friday’s reveal:

Tweets from from NRMP and med students

Check out the AMA’s Storify on the #Match2014 to see more real-time Match reactions, and stay tuned for more Match coverage in AMA Wire™.