Medical Resident Wellness

Help your resident physicians assess and plan to boost well-being

Maintaining or increasing one’s personal well-being during residency requires self-reflection and planning. Learn what that looks like with the AMA.

Brendan Murphy , Senior News Writer
| 3 Min Read

AMA News Wire

Help your resident physicians assess and plan to boost well-being

Jan 23, 2025

For busy resident physicians, well-being is vital. Finding and maintaining it is an active process, and one that requires some work from both academic medical centers and their trainees. 

The AMA has an educational module for residency programs in search of training for residents on how to evaluate their biggest wellness challenges, make an action plan and implement strategies for self-care. The content is especially timely and valuable given that results of the annual Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) survey of residents often show a need for GME institutions to focus on improving resident well-being.

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“Using Tools to Form an Action Plan for Wellness” is just one of the AMA GME Competency Education Program offerings, which include more than 50 courses that residents can access online through their residency program’s subscription, on their own schedules. The program also features six faculty development courses. 

The AMA GME Competency Education Program delivers education to help institutions more easily meet ACGME common program requirements. Current program subscribers have access to award-winning online education designed for residents on the go. It’s easy to use and saves time with simple tracking and reporting tools for administrators. Learn more.

On an individual level, an honest assessment of where one’s personal well-being stands is requisite to making plans to address it. 

The course asks residents to read key self-reflection statements and select whether they apply to them.

Upon assessing where one stands, there may be ways to improve upon the six pillars of resident wellness—emotional well-being, spiritual well-being, physical well-being, social well-being, financial well-being and intellectual well-being. 

“One key to creating a well-balanced life is to plan for it,” the module says. It then provides tips for implementing wellness strategies.

In addition, for those who are falling short of personal wellness in any of the six areas mentioned above, the module comes with a downloadable worksheet that offers residents the chance to identify and implement strategies to create increased balance in various facets of their life.

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To improve, residents should reflect on a few key questions: What small change could I make today? This week? In what area do I feel the most out of balance?

The course also points residents to helpful research on the topic. 

Dive deeper:

Residency program directors have access to dashboards and reports that provide a view of progress at the program and institution levels. In addition, customizable reports make it easy to track learner performance and demonstrate compliance for accreditation.

The AMA GME Competency Education Program covers topics including well-being, quality improvement and patient safety, residents as teachers, navigating health systems, health equity, professionalism and faculty development. Schedule a meeting to discuss your organization’s needs.