Access to Care

AMA's patient grassroots group now 1 million strong

| 1 Min Read

One million patients have joined to take action on legislative issues that could harm the patient-physician relationship and restrict their access to care through the AMA Patients’ Action Network, making a difference in today’s health care landscape.

The Patients’ Action Network reached its millionth member this spring, a decade after it launched. For the past 10 years, patients across the country have made their voices heard on issues ranging from Medicare’s sustainable growth rate formula to medical liability reform. Patients will also be talking to their members of Congress about graduate medical education funding and efforts to improve outcomes around chronic diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Let your patients know that they can make a difference by joining the Patients’ Action Network. 

To make a difference yourself, get involved with the AMA Physician Grassroots Network and receive updates on legislative issues that matter most to you.