
Preparing for Ebola: How physicians are taking action

Robert M. Wah, MD , Former President

As a physician and frequent international traveler, the recent Ebola developments have been on my mind. Despite the increasing attention from the media, we as physicians know that this is not a time to panic but a time to prepare.

The AMA has created an online Ebola Resource Center to provide physicians with the expert information they need to understand Ebola, prepare their hospitals or practices, screen and diagnosis for the virus, and treat patients. Key resources and information for the public also are included.

Having the most up-to-date information from the leading voice—the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—and other expert sources can help us answer questions and assess patients who could present with symptoms. The resource center, available at ama-assn.org/go/ebola, will be regularly updated as new resources are released, so bookmark the page for your quick reference and share it with your colleagues and staff.

Physicians globally are making sure their communities are prepared. I just returned from the general assembly of the World Medical Association in Durban, South Africa, where delegates from nearly 50 national medical associations passed an emergency resolution calling for comprehensive tactics to prevent and treat the Ebola virus, including adequate equipment, training and aid. Clearly, this is a hot topic that is getting the attention it deserves from physicians around the world.