Simplify the residency search. Find your perfect match.
Enjoy unlimited access to FREIDA™, the AMA Residency & Fellowship Database®.

FREIDA member dashboard
Become a member to get access to a member only dashboard where you can save, rank, take notes, download and compare programs.

FREIDA residency calculator
Budget for medical residency application costs and interviews with FREIDA's easy-to-use calculator. Become an AMA member to access the calculator.

AMA Road to Residency Guide
Join the AMA to get access to online courses to help you select, apply and get admitted to residency programs.

Exclusive member events
Become a member to access FREE events that provide opportunities to network with peers and learn more about advocacy, policy making, residency and organized medicine.
Find your perfect program with FREIDA

Membership makes a difference
When you're trying to land a residency or fellowship, every advantage helps. The AMA gives members that edge with access to member-only features within FREIDA™, the AMA Residency and Fellowship Database®.
The benefits you need as a medical student

- USMLE®/COMLEX® study aid book when you join
- Worldwide access to top-rated gyms and fitness studios with ClassPass
The latest research, opinion and education content from JAMA®

- Unlimited online access to the entire JAMA Network™
- Exclusive, unlimited access to CME courses through JN Learning™
The AMA stands up for physicians and patients. Stand with us.
Your membership matters. With member support the AMA has:

- Prevented two health insurance mega-mergers that saved physicians millions of dollars annually in reduced payments
- Advocated to reduce the practice burden and care delays stemming from prior authorization and step-therapy requirements
- Led the charge to preserve health insurance coverage for millions of Americans
- Helped physicians with the transition to MACRA at the pace that is right for them

Get study aids
Find support for USMLE Step 1, COMLEX-USA Level 1 and beyond.

Get JAMA® and CME
Free online access to JAMA® and 11 specialty journals.

Fight regulatory burdens
The AMA supports physicians and patients to reduce regulatory burdens, stand up to insurance companies and fight major chronic disease epidemics.